Thursday, October 3, 2013

Liar, liar carbs on fire

Well, the technology lies.

I knew this was the case, but it is fast becoming a juggling act to trust when to outthink the nifty little receiver that keeps flashing numbers and warning signs.

Last night was an experiment and like any good scientists, we only changed one variable by a very minute amount. Boy, did we get results.
By reversing some advice we were given by an old NP ( I'm not throwin' stones.....I'm just sayin' learn to roll with your own hunches and observations on this grind...) we were able to drop the notorious hidden nighttime high curve by 100 points.

100 points, people. That is huge. It was a good discovery.

However, now we have an echo on the other side. With type 1 , its like living the butterfly effect in your own skin every day of your life. One little tweak and the domino effect has to be chased for potentially days. Its why Han chooses to forgo cake. Yes, she is "allowed" to have it, but is it worth the rollercoaster of highs and lows that it causes? I digress.

So the night time numbers snapped into shape, there was a little dip in the early morning and the day started off looking like the golden zone. Good feeling!!!

Until we got to the dentist office in the middle of nowhere and the crash started....and the girl left her glucose tabs at home and only had three crackers in her purse. The dentist might have a treasure chest full of toys at the front door, but do you know what they DON'T keep on hand? Candy, soda and sugary treats, or other refined carbohydrates that could stop a slump mid-slide! So. We mad dashed to dollar general to buy gummy snacks ( after a sermon on always being prepared....some teenagers get reamed for breaking curfew, some get reamed for inappropriate texting, some get reamed for being belligerent, my girl gets reamed for not keeping candy on her at ALL TIMES).

Here's the fun part. I'm afraid of the dentist. Terrified is an understatement. It is totally irrational and the fam knows that it took some serious big girl panty wearing for me to just get on with it. I can't tell you how often I think to myself " If Han can do xyz every day, what is my problem? Get it together, woman!!" So. I got it together.

Point being, I am in the chair and Hannah does not want to interrupt the process by alarming me that her nifty new monitor is indicating that she is in the danger zone. Big time. So. Gummy bears for the win. Except the monitor did not respond....and the BG dropped even lower. What do you do? Eat more gummy bears.

By the time I realized she was in panic mode, there was an overcorrection and a bounce. IT is virtually impossible to go low without swinging high, but we are trying.
So I talked her through it and explained how she needed to be patient and wait for the rise instead of panicking. ( Because if you know me, I never panic...right??? Right???? Bahahaha)

Fast forward to her varsity volleyball practice today. The alarm went off, with two flashing arrows pointing straight down, indicating a rapid and increasing drop. Full blown panic!! I broke into the snack bar ( not really. I promise.) pushed the gummy bears, kept dropping. Kept flashing. Repetitive flashes and beeps induce more panic.Even in people who don't panic.

Pushed a can of soda. No turn around.

Guess what? Same story. Over correction. By the time she was serving again she was approaching the upper limit of her happy place with an arrow pointing straight up.

Silver lining?? The girls ended up having to run eight laps today...which compensated for the over-correction. Ahem. That I panicked and caused after sermonizing earlier.

Moral of the story? The new technology lies... but so did the old...and both are better than not having a clue.

It has to stink to be my kid on a semi-regular basis. I am a pain in the keister on a good day. It has to really stink to be my kid if you're T1D...because I go into full blown panic mode and make life harder.

Thank God my girl is full of grace....and has a sense of humor....and doesn't hold my flaws against me.

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